Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I finally downloaded Skype so I can talk to my family back in Baltimore and they can see Bella and all that jazz.  So my skype name is LeanneLytle if any of you have it as well and want to give me a ring!  Maybe Oprah will skype me....ooh...how exciting!


http://alberico.net said...

I wish she'd change her name to either 'BooOprah' or 'The POprah'

Leanne said...

haha I think I'd have to opt for the POprah. hehe.

Anonymous said...

Hey there... I just got your invitation on WAYN, but I am no longer on there. You can go to my website http://web.mac.com/donaldphilipsimpson and email from the front page or from the testimony page. I hope that all is well with you and the family. blessings, dps

Team Parks: Jason and Kristin said...

what about BROprah