Sunday, May 4, 2008

Spaaaaaah Party!

Friday night was the Spa Party and it was a success!  There were about 15 women there and we had a great time!  Selina and Christy did a wonderful job pampering us and, so far, this has been the most successful party Selina's had.  I guess that's what happens when there are GREAT products and people get to buy them for a good cause!  

The party won't officially end until May 12, so if you want to place an order, check out and then place your order with me ( or Selina!  As of right now, we've raised over $200 for my trip to Kenya, BUT whatever we raise is being MATCHED by an anonymous that means almost $450 so far!  Keep in mind that my goal is to go above and beyond my personal needs in this fundraising effort.  Any money that I raise above the $3000 will go either to another person's trip who can't raise the money or straight to the people of Kilaatu and the surrounding villages (and at least $500 of the $3000 is going to help the people of those villages as well).

Thank you to everyone who's made this fundraiser a success.  Thank you especially to Selina for being so generous as to give up her profit to help support this mission!  I'll make sure to give a final update after the party is officially closed!   And don't forget to get your orders in this week!

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