I have a feeling this Holiday season is going to go by incredibly fast. It's already December, I will be picking my Dad up at the airport in two hours, Phil has already come and gone, the Christmas Tree is up (and I'm still cleaning up the mess from that). I spent almost a month completely focused on getting ready to run 3 miles, and now I'm finding it difficult to prioritize waking up in the morning...let alone waking up early enough to get a good run in! I'm eating out of stress and convenience, which many of you know is NEVER a good thing for me. I haven't gotten any work done in the last week and I'm barely keeping up with my housework. Oh, who am I kidding? I'm not even keeping up with that. Just ask my husband.
So for now, I have one quiet moment in which to reflect and to connect with you out there in cyberland. I hope you are not feeling as crazy as I am right now. I hope you are finding time for yourself, for exercise, for your family, for your friends, for laughter and for joy. I hope you are not one of those people whose joy is sucked dry because of the hectic nature of the Holiday Season. I know that for me, although it is hectic, it is my favorite time of year. I love the soft glow of Christmas lights in my house, the faint scent of pine in the air, the hussle and bussle of shopping (whether online or in the stores), finding the perfect gift(s) and wrapping them neatly to place under the tree. I hope to continue with my training as I enjoy the Holiday Season, and I hope to share my struggles and victories with you along the way. So until the next quiet moment I'm able to eek out of the craziness, have a wonderful day and enjoy the cool, brisk winter air!
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