Sunday, December 21, 2008

2009, Here we come!

I apologize to all my readers. I have been so busy since Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, the first thing to go is my blogging and facebook time. Here's a quick update since I doubt I will be on much in the next week!

Master Cleanse Days 3-5 were amazing. The first 2 days sucked. I had the worst headache in the world. But once I got over that, it was great. It was nice to get a break from food for a while and be reminded that there are other things that can bring joy and ecstasy besides chocolate. I would encourage anyone to do a cleanse like this, even if it's only for a couple of days.

I'm eagerly awaiting Christmas. I've been enjoying this Holiday Season more than I can remember any in recent past (well, since 2004 anyway). We've had out-of-town guests, many parties and lots of preparation for said parties. We have enjoyed being with our friends, and I've enjoyed having my sister-in-law in town this last month. Bella gets to play with her cousins ("Con-Con" and "Baby") and I get to have someone in the family who I can talk to and share interests with. Bella and I will both be sad when they head back to Washington this week.

I still have a bit more shopping to do and another (expensive) package to ship out tomorrow. If it were any other time of year, I could name hundreds of things I'd rather spend money on than shipping. But for Christmas, it's always worth the expense.

Christopher and I turned in our security deposit today for a house we will be renting beginning in a little less than a month. We are very excited since it's much closer to his office, our friends and the beach. Oh, and it's a HOUSE. As our friend, Lori, says, "no shared walls". Even though we'll still be renters, we're moving up in the world with our own 4 walls, garage, yard and washer/dryer hook-ups. I can't begin to express how much I am looking forward to 2009.

I feel like I haven't felt in years. I see God moving in ways I've been blinded to as of late. I am finally excited about the possibilities that could be waiting just around the bend. And I think I can say that I actually like my life. That feels very good.

So if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get my book out of the car and read more about its Aspergian author before resting my weary eyes on this cold California evening. Oh, and here's a little something for the Christmas season.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Cleanse Days 1 & 2

This is pretty much how I felt most of the day yesterday:

HEADACHE!!! Pictures, Images and Photos

I've fasted before, but this really is different. I guess all that freshly squeezed lemon juice helps clean my insides just like it cleans everything else in my house.

It takes me about 1/2 hour each morning to prepare my "lemonaid". First I have to squeeze all the lemons (about 7 or 8), then measure the syrup and the cayenne pepper, pour it all into the pitcher and add water up to the 2L line. Then drink. All day long.

I'm learning that part of my problem is that I've stopped drinking enough water. I used to drink a ton of water, but after yesterday, I'm pretty sure that I need to be drinking more. Of course, my other problem is that I can eat an entire box of cookies at one time. That being said, I'm formulating some goals for when I begin eating again. I'm not sure if I want to share them or not yet (or at all) since it's such a personal thing right now, but I can say that I only want to reintroduce things that are healthy and helpful for my body. I also want to make cleansing a regular habit so that if I start to fall into unhealthy habits, I have a check system built into my schedule.

With that being said, I will not go pour another glass of lemonaid and drink it as quickly as I can.

Side note: For those of you concerned for my lower half, it really hasn't been bad at all. I haven't had to worry about all those warnings I've read about being close to a toilet at all times. Not yet anyway. Maybe my body is different and that will all kick in tonight or tomorrow. We'll see. For now, I'm happily sitting on my chair and not my toilet.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Take 2

master cleanse Pictures, Images and Photos

Just before I began training for my 5K, I was planning to begin the Master Cleanse. Needless to say, I did not end up doing the cleanse. A few of you checked in with me just to make sure I wasn't crazy enough to do them at the same time (there's another word I want to use for the idea "at the same time"'s a good word, but I'm too tired to think of you know what word I might be thinking of?)

Well, anyway, tomorrow begins my cleanse. I need it. I am so looking forward to not eating for an undetermined amount of time. Don't worry. I won't do it longer than 10-12 days. I doubt I'll even go that long. But I never like to put time limits on this sort of stuff...I just see how I'm feeling and what I think I can handle, and I go with it.

It's the night before, and I just drank my tea. It was the detox tea I already had in the cupboard because I forgot to buy laxative tea at Trader Joe's today.

Note to self: This is the reason lists are important. Purchasing the supplies for the cleanse was the main goal of said excursion to Trader Joe's. How I missed the tea is beyond me.

Wish me luck. I will keep you up to date. It's entering a very busy season for me...and probably you as well...but I will try to blog at least every couple of days!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

December 4th. Let's backtrack.

My wedding took place on October 8th, 2005. But I don't like to celebrate that day. Not because I don't love my husband or I'm sad we got married, but because that's not the day that changed my life. The day that changed my life was December 4th, 2004. That's the day I had my first date with the man of my dreams. Afterward, I journalled every detail of what took place. And then it only took a month for me to realize that this was the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

Christopher, here is to 4 years of being together, experiencing life, learning together, growing together, loving one another when it's hard and when it's easy. Here's to our beautiful baby girl, and here's to a future full of love, adventure and fun...oh, and a lot more answered prayers...just like this one:

new orleans white christmas Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I heard about this on the radio this morning.


Tell me what you think...

...I think I might want it for Christmas.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Check him out

It seems I'm not the only blogger who's trying to get more healthy. My friend, Johnny just did his first triathlon. For those of you who feel, like me, that there's no way you'd ever be able to do a tri, check out his thoughts and feelings as a beginner simply trying to better himself.
triathlon poster Pictures, Images and Photos
Oh, and that thing about me not being able to do a tri...well, it's kinda true right now since I've barely just learned how to ride a bike in the last couple of years. Seriously. I've ridden on 2 different occasions, no more than 4 blocks at a time.

Chris Brown and 2 Toddlers

keep running Pictures, Images and Photos

I walked out the door this morning totally expecting to walk maybe 3 miles this morning. The funny thing about that is that the reason for it was more a lack of motivation than the ability of my body to run. But once I got to the end of our little cul-de-sac I decided I would start running; and that's all it took. I ran the entire 3.7 miles. I guess sometimes all I need to do is start. And that's enough to motivate me to keep going.

Now I'm sitting here listening to Chris Brown while two little girls play peek-a-boo behind me. I feel much better about myself than if I had not found it in me to run this morning. Although I may not get much work done today, I'm glad I at least accomplished something.

I hope you can find it in yourself to start something today. Even if you don't least you had the courage to start.

start something Pictures, Images and Photos

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

One quiet moment

I have a feeling this Holiday season is going to go by incredibly fast. It's already December, I will be picking my Dad up at the airport in two hours, Phil has already come and gone, the Christmas Tree is up (and I'm still cleaning up the mess from that). I spent almost a month completely focused on getting ready to run 3 miles, and now I'm finding it difficult to prioritize waking up in the morning...let alone waking up early enough to get a good run in! I'm eating out of stress and convenience, which many of you know is NEVER a good thing for me. I haven't gotten any work done in the last week and I'm barely keeping up with my housework. Oh, who am I kidding? I'm not even keeping up with that. Just ask my husband.

So for now, I have one quiet moment in which to reflect and to connect with you out there in cyberland. I hope you are not feeling as crazy as I am right now. I hope you are finding time for yourself, for exercise, for your family, for your friends, for laughter and for joy. I hope you are not one of those people whose joy is sucked dry because of the hectic nature of the Holiday Season. I know that for me, although it is hectic, it is my favorite time of year. I love the soft glow of Christmas lights in my house, the faint scent of pine in the air, the hussle and bussle of shopping (whether online or in the stores), finding the perfect gift(s) and wrapping them neatly to place under the tree. I hope to continue with my training as I enjoy the Holiday Season, and I hope to share my struggles and victories with you along the way. So until the next quiet moment I'm able to eek out of the craziness, have a wonderful day and enjoy the cool, brisk winter air!